As a Private Office we represent interests of our clients in the UK and Europe and provide support in the following key areas:


Obtaining residence permit and citizenship, including citizenship by investment

  • Advising on the choice of investment program, country and related matters
  • Recommending and liaising with trusted law firms specialising in citizenship and investor visas. In case a second opinion will be needed we will select other lawyers to make sure that all aspects and possible consequences of the decision are taken into account
  • Assisting with going through due diligence process, preparing necessary documents, clarifying and coordinating possible issues
  • Acting as your trusted representative on getting professional advice and resolving all related issues


Investing in real estate, development projects and businesses

  • Helping to develop investment strategy
  • Identifying best investment opportunities which fit our client's interests and strategy
  • Assisting with financing acquisition of commercial real estate


Tax planning

  • Selecting competent tax advisor and arranging face-to-face or online meeting, as well as assisting clients with preparation and provision of the necessary documents and clarifying additional issues as they arise.


Addressing related issues such as opening a bank account, arranging client’s visit to the country for the meetings with the legal, tax advisers and other parties, and assisting in other possible areas.